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Word of mouth and sharing your personal stories are the best ways to spread the word about your pride in Gan Sinai and grow our community. Just follow these three easy steps below to tell the world #iamsinai.


You can help share your Temple Sinai ECEC experience by reviewing our school on Google. Click here or type “Temple Sinai North Dade” into a Google search. Either should bring you to a page where you should see a Google Business to the right. There should be a “Write a Review” button.




Our Temple Sinai Facebook page is often followed by families who want to learn more about us. Click here or in your Facebook search bar type “templesinaind” Once on the page, click “Reviews” on the left side. There is a section towards the top that says “Tell people what you think” with 5 grayed out stars. Click so all 5 stars are highlighted and write your review. Then, share our page with your friends!

Instagram and Twitter


We love to see how your family is experiencing life at Gan Sinai. Tag your Instagram and Twitter posts with #iamsinai and #gansinai to show your Gan Sinai pride. 

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