Shalom and a warm welcome from Gan Sinai’s Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)!
We are thrilled to be part of this incredible community dedicated to fostering a nurturing and enriching environment for our children. Our PTO serves as a vital link between home and school, working hand in hand with our exceptional educators and administration to enhance the educational programs and overall experience for our children.
By organizing various events, fundraisers, workshops, and celebrations, we create opportunities for families to connect, share, and grow as part of this vibrant community.
As chairs of the PTO we encourage you to get involved, whether it's volunteering your time, sharing your ideas, or attending our events. Your participation is what makes our PTO and Gan Sinai a special community. Parents often ask, “how can I help?”
Here are a few ways to get involved:
Sign up to be a Room Parent
Volunteer at events and special programs
Support Gan Sinai Fundraisers
Sponsor an item or items from the Teacher & Administration Wishlists

​PTO happenings will be posted on the playground app throughout the school year and room parents will be reaching out personally to keep you informed and up to date with upcoming programs/events and ways to be involved.
We look forward to meeting you and building strong connections that will make our Gan Sinai community thrive. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions. You can find us on the playground app or email:
Together, let's make this year a memorable one for our children and a testament to the strength of our collective commitment to their growth and happiness.
Todah Rabah, Thank you for your partnership & support,
Gan Sinai PTO Chairs
Christina Rosenberg and Meredith Truen
Wish Lists
Did you know that well over 90 percent of teachers spend their own money on school supplies and other items their students need to succeed. According to the National Education Association, in 2022 the average teacher spent over $800 of their own money.
We are very lucky at Gan Sinai that we are able to purchase all of the necessary supplies that our teachers and children need. There are still some things that we know our teachers wish they could have - things that are above and beyond what is necessary but would none-the-less, have a tremendous impact on the teaching and learning in each classroom.
That's why we created these wish lists - so you can make our teacher's wishes come true. Just click on the wish lists below to see what your teachers are dreaming of getting.