
Your child's safety is our top priority. We go to extraordinary lengths to keep everyone healthy and safe while ensuring a comfortable and joyful learning environment.
On average, preschoolers experience eight to ten illnesses a year. We know that managing the demands of work can be challenging when your child is ill. We strive to limit the spread of communicable diseases in our center and are committed to implementing policies that balance and respect the needs of children, families, and staff in these circumstances.
Our Child Illness Policy is based on the Model Health Care Policies developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Exclusion from the center is sometimes necessary either to reduce the transmission of illness or because the center is not able to adequately meet the needs of the child. Mild illnesses are common among children, and infections are often spread before the onset of any symptoms. In these cases, we try to keep the children comfortable throughout the day.
Please keep your child at home if s(he):
Has an illness that prevents the child from participating comfortably in program activities, such as going outdoors.
Has an illness that results in a greater need for care than our staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.
Is ill during the night or has a poor night’s sleep - this may be the first sign of an impending illness
Has a fever (100 degrees or above) or has had one during the previous 24 hour period
Has a cold that is less than four days old
Has a heavy nasal discharge
Has a constant cough
Has diarrhea or watery stools
Has vomited more than 2 times in the previous 24 hours
Is fussy, cranky, and generally out of sorts
Is just tired - rest at such times may prevent the development of serious illness
Has symptoms of a possible communicable disease (rash, hives, bodily discharge, etc.)
Children suffering from a common cold will be assessed on an individual basis. Factors of consideration include the developmental level of your child in congruence with our ability to limit the spread of germs. The younger your child, the more difficult it is to keep the spread of germs down. For example, hand to face contact, mouthing of toys, uncontrolled nasal discharge, uncovered sneezing and coughing, etc.
As our world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have instituted a set of protocols and procedures for the re-opening of our campus. Please click here to read our “COVID-19” guidelines.
For your child's comfort, and to reduce the risk of contagion, we ask that children who exhibit any of the signs listed above be picked up within 1.5 hours of notification. Until then, your child will be kept comfortable and will continue to be observed for symptoms.
Children need to remain home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to the program unless the center receives a note from the child’s medical provider stating that the child is not contagious and may return to the center. In the case of a (suspected) contagious disease, rash, or continuing symptoms, a note from the child’s medical provider may be required before the child can return.
The final decision on whether to exclude a child from the program due to illness will be made by the center.
Please notify us at once if your child has a communicable disease so we are able to inform other parents. We exercise discretion and confidentiality at all times. If your child contracts lice, pinworm, conjunctivitis, strep throat, etc. PLEASE BE SURE TO INFORM US. If your child is found to have nits or lice during our periodic checks (s)he is to be picked up immediately and kept home for a full 24 hours after using a delousing product.
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE SCHOOL BE MADE AWARE OF ALL HEALTH ISSUES (i.e. seizures, allergies, asthma, tubes in ears, a tendency towards high fever, etc.) We have no way of properly dealing with your children if we don't have adequate information. You can share medical information in the Famly app or directly with your child’s teacher.
Please take the time to review our full COVID precautions at www.gansinai.org/covid. These policies will need to be agreed to by each family.
As always, we remain committed to protecting your children and our staff and look forward to a great school year.
Temple Sinai has implemented many safety measures for families, children, and staff to follow so that we can reduce the spread of COVID 19 and keep everyone as healthy as possible.
These guidelines were developed by Temple Sinai's COVID Taskforce following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, the Florida Department of Children and Families, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Miami-Dade Early Learning Coalition.
The Temple Sinai COVID Taskforce will continue to monitor the spread of COVID 19 and will update these policies as necessary each month.
Safety is fundamental to creating a learning environment. That's why our beautiful campus is fully gated with full-time, armed guards on duty. Every car entering campus must be identified with either a carpool pass or a sticker. Please message Rabbi David in the Playground app if you need a new carpool pass.
So that we are ready to face any safety challenge, we practice fire drills monthly and our staff are trained in infant/toddler/child/adult CPR, basic first aid, defibrillator usage, blood borne pathogens, and the Heimlich maneuver.