Rabbi David Paskin

May 27, 20211 min



  • No school on Monday - Memorial Day

  • Our End-of-Year Class parties are on June 8th and 9th. Check the Famly app calendar for all the details

  • Hot lunch for the remained of the year is now available at www.gansinai.org/hotlunch.

  • Camp Sinai registration is open at www.tsnd.org/campsinai!

  • We have exciting plans for graduation this year and how to stay connected with us and Jewish learning after Gan Sinai. Check it out at www.gansinai.org/graduation.

Get all the latest info and links at www.gansinai.org/greatthings.

From Rabbi David

I'm sort of an expert when it comes to complaining. I have to remind myself often, to put myself in another's shoes before complaining about my own.

In this week's Torah portion, the Israelites do a lot of complaining. It gets God really angry and it pushes Moses, almost to his limit. He cries out to God:

“Why have You placed the burden of this entire people upon me. I alone cannot carry this entire nation, for it is too heavy a burden.”

He's basically saying, "I can't do this alone. There's a lot of kvetching going on and even when things are good - it's just too much for one person to handle."

The very first professional development I do with our teachers each year is around teamwork. None of us can do this work alone. Some days are great and others are filled with little complainers. Either way, we need to rely on each other to be our best.

Teaching your children the power of collaboration and teamwork is a really important part of what we do here at Gan Sinai and our teachers model it everyday.
